12/09/2024 Board Brief
Laurel & Magnolia HOA Bulletin Board Brief: wk of 12/09/2024
Dear Laurel and Magnolia Residents,
Happy Holidays! We are pleased to provide you with this week’s community updates.
Insurance Updates
During last week’s Zoom meeting, we successfully met quorum for insurance options A, B, and C—a testament to the strong engagement and support of our community. However, we must also achieve quorum for Measure D, which has a higher threshold because it involves changes to our CC&R’s.
After careful consideration, the Board and attendees agreed to not open the ballots and postpone the tabulation meeting to late January for the following reasons:
Measure D Measure D is essential for updating our CC&Rs to reflect current insurance practices. Opening the ballots now would render this measure invalid.
Voting Quorum Measure D requires 197 affirmative votes to pass. To date, we have received only 154 votes and it is unknown how they are split between approval or denial of the measure. We encourage all residents to remind their neighbors to submit their ballots.
Measures A, B, and C Although quorum was met for these measures, opening the ballots now would compromise the validity of Measure D.
New Meeting Date The meeting has been rescheduled for January 28th to allow additional time for ballot submissions through the holiday season.
*If you have lost your ballot please reach out to the Inspectors of Election for a replacement at info@inspectorsofelection.com
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continually work to address these important matters. Additional updates will be communicated via email from RealManage as we prepare for the January meeting. The Board acknowledges and shares many of the concerns expressed by residents throughout this process. We remain committed to consulting with legal and professional experts to ensure prudent decision-making and fiscal responsibility for the benefit of our community.
Construction Updates
We are pleased to announce that all trellis and patio work in Magnolia has been successfully completed! Additionally, an updated painting schedule has been posted on our website for your convenience: www.LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com. Please note that this schedule is subject to change. Weather may also be a contributing factor in the future.
Please note that PacWest will observe a holiday break from December 20th and will resume work on January 6th.
Concrete Grinding Notice
The Board is currently reviewing proposals for concrete grinding to address uneven pavement across the community. While the temporary placement of caution cones may not be visually appealing, they are necessary for safety and insurance purposes—especially during the holiday season when residents may host visitors.
We appreciate your patience as we work to address this deferred maintenance issue promptly.
RealManage/Walters Transition
Have you set up your online portal with RealManage? Have you submitted your December HOA dues?
To verify the payment status of your November or December dues, please log into the RealManage portal to check your current balance. If you have further questions, please contact Reina White at LaurelMa@ciramail.com
We encourage all homeowners to reference the welcome email from RealManage/Walters to create their account via the resident portal. Please ensure that all December and future HOA dues are sent to RealManage/Walters. If you use a bill pay service through your bank, kindly update the payment address to RealManage.
Resident Portal Setup To set up your online account, refer to your welcome email and use the following information:
Resident Portal Website: www.CiraNet.com/ResidentPortal
Association ID: LAURELMA
Account Number: [Insert Account Number Here]
Check Digit ID: [Insert Check Digit ID Here]
HOA Dues Payment Instructions If paying by check, please use the following details:
Payee: Laurel and Magnolia Community Association
Address Line 1: c/o RealManage
Address Line 2: P.O. Box 45467, San Francisco, CA 94145-0467
Account/Reference Number:
Alternatively, you may use your preferred payment method through the resident portal or your bank’s bill pay service.
Holiday Light Decorating Contest
Let’s embrace the holiday spirit with a Holiday Light Decorating Contest! Showcase your creativity and spread cheer throughout our community. Winning homes will receive festive yard signs to celebrate their achievement. The best part? The community will have the opportunity to vote and select the winners!
Contest Details:
Voting Period: December 9th – 13th
Vote Online: Visit our website at www.LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com and cast your vote under the "Holiday Light Contest" tab
Winners Announced: December 14th
Most Traditional (Classic)
Most Colorful
Most All Out
L&M Committees
Are you interested in taking an active role in our neighborhood? We are seeking individuals to lead the following committees:
If you would like to volunteer or learn more, please email Reina White. Thank you for your interest in strengthening our community!
Maintenance Committee
Landscape Committee
Parking Committee
Neighborhood Watch
Contact Information
For assistance with maintenance work orders or property matters, please contact:
Reina White
Email: LaurelMa@ciramail.com
Phone: 866-473-2573, Ext. 5801
Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
Warm regards,
Laurel and Magnolia HOA Board