Insurance: Special Assessment Ballot

The Special Assessment ballots were counted by The Inspectors of Election on January, 28, 2025, during a live Zoom meeting. The results are as follows:

Measure A ($1775 assessment) - 125 yes, 51 no, 16 abstain
Measure B ($3975 assessment) - 18 yes, 125 no, 49 abstain
Measure C ($4870 assessment) - 38 yes, 110 no, 44 abstain
* Measure D (update CC&Rs) - 133 yes, 40 no, 19 abstain

* Measure D (update the CC&Rs to modify the requirement of the association to provide full value property damage insurance) did not receive enough ballots for the votes to be valid. We received 192 ballots and needed 197. Additionally, 197 affirmative (YES) votes are needed to make any changes to our CC&Rs. Had we received 197 ballots, this measure still would not have passed.

The special assessment of $1775 is due March 1. Click here for information on where to pay your assessment. The previous board borrowed from reserves in April 2024 to pay for the insurance premiums and alerted everyone at that time that an assessment would be forthcoming. While there is no perfect timing for this additional expense, the current board avoided issuing the assessment during the holidays. We inherited this task following prolonged delays and are obligated to return the money to the reserves within a year's time of the initial withdrawal. It is imperative we receive payments from all owners by April to meet this deadline.

At this time Laurel and Magnolia will continue with the current insurance coverage levels. The board is actively seeking solutions for this very complicated and nuanced situation, speaking regularly with our insurance broker and our legal counsel. We will update the membership with new developments as they emerge.

Click Here for 9/4/24 Marsh McLennan Agency’s Presentation

Click Here for Laurel & Magnolia HOA’s Certificate of Insurance

What's the difference between HO3 and HO6 insurance policy?

  • HO3 covers the physical structure of your home itself

  • HO6 covers what's inside the walls of your condo