11/04/2024 Board Brief

Dear Laurel and Magnolia Residents,


We are excited to see the community changing and lots of progress being made.  As always contact us via email at info@LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com with any questions or concerns and check out our website at www.LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com


Attention: Due to limited daylight with the recent time change, our planned onsite introductory meeting with Walters RealManage has been cancelled. Walters RealManage will join us for our monthly Board meeting on Wednesday, November 13th, at 6:00 PM via Zoom. This meeting will include a formal introduction to our new property manager Reina White, and a quick overview of setting up your online accounts. Thank you for your understanding, we look forward to welcoming Walters RealManage as they begin working with our community.


Please be aware that there may be delays with Strategic processing payments for November HOA dues. Updated payment information will be provided in the December statements, as dues will be directed to Walters (RealManage).



Construction Update - This week, we will begin masking, priming, and painting of Building 52. Please be mindful of the designated construction parking spaces. You may utilize these designated spaces overnight, however please be sure your vehicle is moved by 7:00 AM, no exceptions.


We’re pleased to share that the lamp posts and the entrance signs for Laurel and Magnolia were painted last week, enhancing the aesthetic of our community.  Our plan and hope is to complement these improvements with colorful, seasonal landscaping and holiday lighting in the near future.



Insurance Ballots - Insurance ballots have been mailed and you should receive yours within the week. Please make your selection promptly and return the ballot within the 30-day period. A prepaid envelope is included for your convenience.  We strongly encourage every homeowner to vote, community participation is essential to reach quorum; otherwise, the voting process will be extended, incurring additional costs and resource usage.


In the ballot mailing you will find a brief history of our insurance situation, along with three coverage options: high, middle, and low (our current policy), each with an associated special assessment. A major achievement for our HOA Board has been securing a new 12-month policy with Marsh McLennan, replacing our previous property damage policy. This transition has brought significant cost savings just over $230,000 for our community.



Backflow Update - We recently had Sherwood Mechanical on-site to conduct backflow and water pressure testing as well as an inspection.  Upon arrival, it was identified that the water flow from the street into the community was restricted by 75%!  After adjustment, the water pressure in Laurel reached a strong and desirable 60 psi. In Magnolia, the pressure is currently 45 psi; while it cannot be increased at the source, addressing backflow issues may help to improve flow.



L&M Parking - Our parking rules and regulations are currently under review. Our legal advisor is evaluating the proposed updates and contract. Once finalized, we will open a 30-day community comment period, during which residents may submit feedback or inquiries via email. After this period, the rules will be formally adopted.


We will communicate these changes extensively through posted notices, the community website and a townhall meeting. Enforcement will begin following this transition period. More specific details and dates will be shared as the process progresses.


Please Note: Due to ongoing construction, we are aware of the limited parking spaces available on the Magnolia side of the community. We kindly ask that all residents plan accordingly to minimize inconvenience.  Residents are encouraged to utilize their garages to park their vehicles. Ensuring that garages are used for parking will help alleviate the current parking challenges and will help to prepare you for the future new parking system.


Vehicles parked in fire lanes, on curbs, or in front of garages will be subject to towing to maintain safety and access.


We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work to improve the community. Thank you for your attention to this matter.



City of San Marcos – Traffic Calming Below is an update from the City of San Marcos regarding the installation of speed humps in our community. We are still awaiting a response regarding our stop sign request.

Astrid Starcher, the city’s deputy fire marshal, shared: “to install speed humps on private streets, we would need approval signatures from all co-owners of the roadway. Typically, speed bumps/ humps are viewed as a last-resort option, as they can hinder and damage emergency vehicles. We recommend speed cushions as an alternative. A sample of this design is installed on the driveway behind City Hall for viewing.”


After further research and depending on road size and materials, speed humps are estimated to cost between $5,000 and $15,000 per padded section.



Maintenance Updates

  • Gutter Cleaning:  Notices have been posted for San Diego Roof Doctor to  clean our gutters. They will be using a special piece of equipment called a sky vac and will begin 11/ 4 on the Laurel side of the community.  Please refer to your posted notices for more detailed information.  Our gutters have not been cleaned for several years so this deferred maintenance is warranted and will take approximately one month to complete. Roofs may also be inspected during this time.

  • Irrigation Walk and Repairs:  The Board met with Park West’s irrigation specialist this past week. Drip lines are slowly being repaired and the irrigation team is in the process of adding new self-maintaining valves to certain parts of our system.

  • Pool Area Lighting: Timers have been adjusted to accommodate the seasonal time change.

  • BBQ Area: Work in progress.

  • Trashcans: Please be sure to bring your trashcans in and out promptly as to avoid future fines.



We appreciate your cooperation and engagement in maintaining and enhancing our community. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at: info@LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com


Warm regards,
The Laurel and Magnolia Board of Directors


11/11/2024 Board Brief


10/28/2024 Board Brief