11/11/2024 Board Brief

Dear Laurel and Magnolia Residents,


Happy Veteran’s Day

Thank you for your service


We’re pleased to share this week’s community updates with you!


Upcoming Board Meeting
Please join us for our next board meeting on Wednesday, November 13th, at 6:00 PM via Zoom. Here is the meeting information:



 GENERAL SESSION WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2024 6:00 PM VIA ZOOM https://waltersmanagement.zoom.us/j/81278695699?pwd=Nr7Bokatmaa6LxFv2fwqmfihw0ML9d.1

Meeting ID: 812 7869 5699

Passcode: 827298

 Click here for agenda

During this meeting, a representative from RealManage will provide a brief introduction along with contact details for maintenance requests or other assistance. Additionally, Reina White will present an overview of the new welcome packet, which will also be mailed out soon, and guide you on setting up your online account through the new CiraNet community portal.


Real Manage (Walters) Contact Information At A Glance:

Property Manager for Laurel and Magnolia – Reina White

Email for service requests or property needs: LAURELMA@ciramail.com

Phone number / 24 hour service line including Laurel and Magnolia property emergencies call:  866-473-2573


Insurance Ballot – Vote!

You should have received your ballot in the mail. Please make your selection promptly and mail the ballot by November 29th to make the December 6th deadline. A prepaid envelope is included for your convenience.  We strongly encourage every homeowner to vote, community participation is essential to reach quorum; otherwise, the voting process will be extended, incurring additional costs and resource usage.


In the ballot mailing you will find a brief history of our insurance situation, along with three coverage options: high, middle, and low (our current policy), each with an associated special assessment. A major achievement for our HOA Board has been securing a new 12-month policy with Marsh McLennan, replacing our previous property damage policy. This transition has brought significant cost savings just over $230,000 for our community.



Some owners may have received an email at the beginning of the month stating their ACH debit for this month's HOA dues was cancelled. Strategic HOA is initiating this transfer and those affected should see their accounts debited by 11/15. Late fees will not be charged for this inconvenience. This only applies to owners whose dues were automatically paid through the portal. Some owners who use ACH debit may not have received an email. Please check your bank statement. If your November dues haven’t been deducted, please contact Kayla@StrategicHOA.com to request processing. If you set up a separate ACH payment through your own bank or pay by other means, you should not have been affected. 


AT&T Fiber Internet

An engineer from AT&T will perform a site survey to determine eligibility and identify the best path to potentially run fiber to each home. You will receive an update once more information is available.


Construction Update
We’re excited to report that Building 52 is nearing completion, featuring color schemes C and D. Power washing has commenced on Building 53, so feel free to walk through and observe the transformative progress. To manage quality, we are painting one building at a time and touching up on the final day before moving on.


Please continue to be mindful of the designated construction parking spaces. You may utilize these designated spaces overnight, however please be sure your vehicle is moved by 7:00 AM, no exceptions. Trellis repairs are expected to be completed mid December. Some of the third story trellises require scaffolding so be mindful of notices and consider keeping shades closed for privacy. Repairs to the eight Magnolia patio walls begins this week. Please observe notices and keep pets inside.


Keep an eye on the website for regular updates. Work on all projects will cease from end of day Friday, December 20th to Sunday, January 5th.


Roof and Gutter Inspections
The San Diego Roof Doctor team will continue inspecting and cleaning gutters and roofs next week. To date, 13 buildings in Laurel have been serviced. Work will resume today, regardless of the holiday. Laurel residents, please remember to:

o   move all yard furnishings at least 6ft away from the home

o   keep pets inside

o   ensure gates are unlocked


Janitorial Services
The Board is in the process of finalizing a new janitorial service provider, anticipated by the end of the month. In the meantime, Personal Touch Janitorial is taking care of our common areas, including trash receptacles, dog waste stations, and pool bathroom sanitation. 


Rancho Santa Fe Rd Construction

We realize construction on Rancho Santa Fe is impacting through traffic on Boulderidge. Please contact the city at  trafficdivision@san-marcos.net and call the Sheriff’s non-emergency line 858.565.5200 to request traffic control. The city prioritizes requests based on demand so the more people email and call, the more likely we are to get support.


Community Reminders

  • Seasonal Decorations: Please remember to take down Halloween decorations. According to our community guidelines, holiday decorations should be removed promptly after the occasion. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our community looking its best.

  • Trash Cans: A friendly reminder to pull in your trash bins after collection day to maintain a clean and tidy appearance throughout the community.  A fine will result for repeat offenders.


Questions or concerns, please contact us at info@LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com or visit our website at www.LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com for more information.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our community.


Warm regards,
Laurel and Magnolia HOA Board


11/13/2024 Board Meeting


11/04/2024 Board Brief