10/28/2024 Board Brief


Dear Laurel and Magnolia Residents,

Happy Halloween week!  In this bulletin we share several updates regarding the ongoing projects within our community, as well as provide insight into the work being carried out by your HOA Board.


PacWest Paint and Construction

Thank you for your continued patience and support as we have completed painting our first Magnolia building. While there have been a few challenges, your feedback has been invaluable, and we remain committed to improving throughout this process.



  • The new color scheme has received widespread praise from residents, with many expressing their appreciation for the refreshed appearance of the building.


  • We are pleased to invite you to visit Building 51 and see the impressive

transformation that has taken place.  Last week, we successfully renegotiated with PacWest and Behr Paint to secure a premium, color-blocking primer at no additional cost. This high-quality and very necessary primer was applied not only to building 51 but will also be used throughout the remainder of the project.  This was made possible through our partnership with PacWest, who, in return, will be permitted to display signage on the exterior of our north/west RSF facing property.


Areas for Improvement

  • Construction Parking: We understand the inconvenience caused by the need to reserve parking for equipment and workers. To help mitigate this, PacWest employees have been asked to park away from the staging and active work areas as well as Boulder Ridge, freeing up spaces for residents. However, when residents park in spots designated for construction, it delays our progress.

  • Window Masking: We experienced some delays in unmasking windows, with a few homes remaining covered longer than anticipated. Moving forward, we will work closely with PacWest to ensure windows are masked no longer than two weeks.  We realize that seems like a long time, but masking is tedious work that will prolong the project if workers need to re-do this step.  During this period, residents are encouraged to utilize their air conditioning units. Please coordinate directly with the on-site PacWest project manager (wearing a blue shirt), as your A/C unit may occasionally be covered to protect it from overspray.

  • Garage Access: We can imagine how challenging alley and garage access has been.  When building 52 begins we encourage homeowners to park outside during business hours.  Not convenient, however you will most definitely help to speed up the process and we thank you for your cooperation.






The Week Ahead

  • Halloween Week Adjustments: In recognition of Halloween, PacWest will focus on painting the Laurel and Magnolia entrance signs and lampposts throughout the community. This will give residents a break from any work near their homes during the holiday week.  To get the job done quickly, PacWest will have two scissor lifts and three boom lifts in use around the complex. Several parking spaces will be blocked off between 7am – 5pm to provide clearance for the equipment. You are welcome to park in these spaces overnight but please move your vehicle by 7am so work can get underway. Unfortunately, two cars were towed last week for blocking construction.




Walter’s Property Management

Representatives from Walters will be on-site Wednesday, November 6th, for our planning meeting and town hall.  The meeting will take place at the Laurel BBQ’s off of Granby at 6pm. This is a great opportunity for residents to ask questions or set up ACH accounts for monthly dues.


November monthly HOA dues – Strategic Property Management

December monthly HOA dues – Walters Property Management


Park West Landscaping

After a thorough walkthrough with Park West (landscaping), we’ve identified a few priorities:

  • An irrigation specialist will conduct a full inspection and address leaks or broken sprinklers.

  • Park West will develop a two-year plan to replace unsightly or problematic plants with more suitable options.

  • Monthly walkthroughs with The Board and landscaping / account managers will ensure consistent maintenance.

Please note: Several residents have inquired about the property surrounding Laurel and Magnolia, specifically the slopes outside our fences. These areas are not managed by our HOA or Park West and are instead maintained by the OCR Master Planned Community landscaping company. 


City of San Marcos Inquiries

At the questioning of many homeowners, the Board has reached out to the City of San Marcos to explore the possibility of installing a stop sign at the Magnolia entrance and adding speed humps (not bumps) along the community's longer stretches. Any potential changes will be closely scrutinized and are subject to a community vote before implementation. We will keep you updated on this matter as we gain direction and advice.


General Maintenance Updates

  • Dog Waste Stations: Dog waste bags have been restocked at all stations. Please be mindful of your neighbors by picking up after your pets and disposing of waste properly. We encourage all pet owners to carry their own bags as well, to ensure we keep our community clean.

  • Sidewalks: Sidewalks were power-washed last week.

  • Pool Maintenance: Pool filters have been approved for replacement and will be installed shortly to keep our pool clean and inviting.

  • BBQ Grills: A vendor was dispatched to inspect the community BBQ grills after reports that they were not functioning properly. We will continue to post updates as more information becomes available. 

  • Trashcans: Please remember to bring your trash cans in promptly after collection to keep our community looking its best.

  • Maintenance Requests:  For the month of October, please continue to contact Strategic Property Management with any maintenance requests.  Email: Kayla@strategichoa.com.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at info@LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com.  For previous weekly bulletins, painting schedule, and other community updates, visit www.LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com.


Warm Regards,

Laurel and Magnolia HOA Board of Directors


11/04/2024 Board Brief


10/21/2024 Board Brief