Preventive Maintenance

Maintenance is an essential part of keeping things running smoothly, whether it's your car, your home, or even your community. Today, we're going to talk about what you need to know when it comes to maintenance, focusing on the key points that matter most.

At a Glance: What to Expect

We've condensed the essentials into a quick overview for you. Here's what you should expect:

  • Hot Topics: These are the burning issues or areas of concern that need immediate attention. Think of them as the top priorities.

  • Board Control: Certain aspects of maintenance are managed by the board. These are the areas where decisions and actions are directed from the top.

Detailed Maintenance Manual

For those who want to dive deeper, we have the detailed maintenance manual available. This document outlines everything the board should be following to ensure proper upkeep. You can download the detailed maintenance manual here.

Remember, deferred maintenance ends up costing us more for repairs and replacement. By staying on top of preventative maintenance, we can all enjoy a safer, more comfortable environment.

Happy maintaining!


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