9/1/2024 Board Brief

Dear Residents of Laurel and Magnolia,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and kind words. As part of our commitment to keeping you informed, this message marks the first of our weekly updates, which you can expect on Mondays.  Some updates will be more significant than others, but each will provide insight into what we are currently working on and how it impacts our community and you as residents.

Construction Update:

The HOA Board of Directors took immediate action by temporarily suspending all construction activities. This pause will allow us to conduct a thorough review of workmanship, contracts, and budgets. This past Wednesday morning, we held a comprehensive meeting with Strategic to address our top priorities: insurance, construction (painting), and the Black Diamond asphalt project.  We are currently arranging a property walk-through with PacWest’s paint and construction management team. This meeting will focus on leadership oversight, addressing paint details, necessary corrections, and the resumption of ongoing projects.  

Additionally, the Board has actively been reviewing various contracts ...please stay tuned.


The Board is actively engaged in securing a new insurance broker, evaluating various price points and coverage levels to identify the most cost-effective solution while ensuring adequate protection. We encourage you to attend the next board meeting, either in person or via Zoom, to hear from Cal Roberts of Marsh McLennan Agency.  Mr. Roberts will provide a brief presentation and address any outstanding insurance-related questions. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th, at 6 p.m. Strategic will distribute an email with Zoom details and the on-site location in advance.  

Communications Policy:
Please note that, in accordance with the current communications policy, the Board is unable to respond to questions or concerns posted on our social media community Facebook page. We appreciate your understanding as we eventually work to amend this policy.

As always, please contact us with any questions or suggestions at info@LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com and refer to our website www.LaurelMagnoliaHOA.com for updates.

Thank you,
Crystal Garcia
Secretary, Laurel & Magnolia HOA


9/9/2024 Board Brief